Immortal NYC Infuse Volume Hair Powder
€ 6,99 (Incl. BTW € 8,46)

Immortal Carbon Black Shampoo 500ml
€ 4,49 (Incl. BTW € 5,43)
Hair Styling Wax Black Immortal NYC 100ml
€ 4,49 (Incl. BTW € 5,43)
This amazing coloring styling wax will provide to your hair a nice cover.
Immortal NYC styling black wax is water based and easy to wash helps you style your hair while coloring it thanks to its special creamy formula. .
How to use:
For colorful styles that require voluminous, get some wax in your hand and apply it to dry hair and beard in a controlled way. It is not applied to the bottom of hair and beard. If possible, use plastic gloves and an apron to prevent staining of clothing and skin. In case of contact with skin, clean with a piece of cotton or wash with soap and water. Must wash with shampoo before sleeping.
Avoid contact with the eyes, if it contacts the eyes, rinse with plenty of water immediately.
Consult your doctor if needed. Keep out of children’s reach.
It is for external use only. Keep away from heat and light.
Not to be used for children under three years of age.
Voeg € 80,00 toe aan uw winkelwagen en ontvang GRATIS verzending!
89 op voorraad
Categorie: Shampoo
This amazing coloring styling wax will provide to your hair a nice cover.
Immortal NYC styling black wax is water based and easy to wash helps you style your hair while coloring it thanks to its special creamy formula. .
How to use:
For colorful styles that require voluminous, get some wax in your hand and apply it to dry hair and beard in a controlled way. It is not applied to the bottom of hair and beard. If possible, use plastic gloves and an apron to prevent staining of clothing and skin. In case of contact with skin, clean with a piece of cotton or wash with soap and water. Must wash with shampoo before sleeping.
Avoid contact with the eyes, if it contacts the eyes, rinse with plenty of water immediately.
Consult your doctor if needed. Keep out of children’s reach.
It is for external use only. Keep away from heat and light.
Not to be used for children under three years of age.
Extra informatie
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Goldwell DS Men Hair & Body Shampoo 300ml
€ 6,57 (Incl. BTW € 7,95)
Goldwell Dualsenses Men Hair & Body Shampoo voor normaal haar. Deze shampoo is zowel een shampoo als een body wash in één. Het zorgt direct voor voelbaar en zichtbaar meer vitaliteit en verzorging. Tevens verhoogt deze shampoo de weerstand van het haar.
De Goldwell Dualsenses Men Hair & Body shampoo kan zowel als shampoo als bodywash gebruikt worden.
Het haar voelt zacht aan en heeft meer vitaliteit.
Enkele kenmerken op een rij
Voor normaal haar
Kan iedere dag gebruikt worden
Shampoo en body wash in een
Verhoogt de weestand van het haar